Learn Along With The Tuttle Twins.

Learn along with the Tuttle Twins and combat the many radical messages entering our lives and those of our children.


They have infiltrated the education curriculum, social media, movies, advertising and literally everywhere.

Children are being indoctrinated by woke messages in schools and are not being taught traditional values.

Now there is an answer.

Learn Along With The Tuttle Twins.

These children’s books are unique and will help you teach your children about how the world works.

The Tuttle Twins Books will help you defend your kids against socialism, marxism, media lies, anti-family, anti-freedom and collectivism issues.

The Tuttle Twins books give the power back to parents like you. Thus, you can make sure your children have a foundation of freedom—to understand the ideas of a free society that socialists are trying so hard to destroy.


Books can be purchased separately, or in a combo pack of the complete collection. The books you see above are for children aged 5 to 11. There are more advanced books for those 12+ and into teenage. You will even find a collection for Toddlers.

For a limited time there is a 35% discount on the complete collection with some free bonuses.

Here are some of the concepts they (and maybe you) will learn:

  • A free market economy lifts people out of poverty.
  • Property rights helps us make the best decisions for our families.
  • Entrepreneurs make the world a better place.
  • Socialism and why it destroys our freedom.
  • The Golden Rule is important for us all to get along with each other.
  • The importance of education.
  • Why the government should protect our rights with true laws.
  • And even more.

And, just in case you’re wondering what other parents think about these fabulous books:

There is also a 30-day money back guarantee if you decided that these books are not for you and your children. So, what have you got to lose?

If you make a purchase using the link on this page, we may receive a small commission, but you will pay no more for your books. We use the funds we get to continue to provide the educational information contained on this website.

And, while we’re talking about educational issues, you can check out our series of short videos. The Reliving Our Past Educational Series of Videos captures some of the historical people and events that have helped to shape America.