CTH Interviews

John Anthony

John Anthony is the founder of the Sustainable Freedom Lab.  The Lab’s purpose is to make the truth available to those looking for it.  Whether it’s in Bureaucratic overreach, or simply uncovering the lies being told to us by our government, John is a great resource.

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Marvin Peavey

Marvin Peavey, a resident of Walton County, FL, Got fined by the county for banners on his balcony claiming that Trump won the 2020 election. He spoke to the Conservative Thought Hour about this.

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Horace Cooper and Bonner Cohen

This interview included both Horace Cooper and Bonner Cohen.

Horace Cooper is a senior fellow with the National Center for Public Policy Research, chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board.

We spoke to Horace Cooper about rising crime and social justice.

Bonner R. Cohen is a senior fellow at the National Center for Public Policy Research, where he concentrates on energy, natural resources, and international relations.

We asked Bonner Cohen for his views on the American Medical Association going woke!

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Emery McClendon

Emery is a Fellow at Project 21, that wonderful group of black Conservatives.  We chat about the differences in how people of various backgrounds will view the same topics, giving us the value of perspective.

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John Feehery

John’s podcast, “The Feehery Theory” is a staple for conservative thinking.  In this interview we talk about the Tyranny of the Majority, and how that has come to redefine our country.

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John O’Connor

John O’Connor is an attorney, and more, he represented “Deepthroat” of Watergate fame.  He talked to CTH about how today’s journalism was formed by the excesses of the Watergate era.

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Justin Goodman

Justin is a VP at the White Coat Waste Project.  They aim to end the enormous amount of tax-payer funds spent on wasted animal testing.  You will be shocked at the examples of waste that exist.

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Larry Klayman

Larry is an attorney, a right-wing activist, and former U.S. Justice Department prosecutor. He founded both Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch.  His thoughts on our legal system are enlightening.

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